2017. gada publikācijas
Starptautiskos, recenzētos zinātniskos izdevumos, kas iekļauti Web of Science vai Scopus zinātniskās literatūras datu bāzēs - 2017.gadā:
1. V. Bulgakov, S. Ivanovs, V. Adamchuk, Y. Ihnatiev. Investigation of the influence of the parameters of the experimental spiral potato heap separator on the quality of work / Agronomy Research. Vol. 15(1) (2017), p. 44–54, (Journal Article, Scopus, impact factor: Cite Score=0.93. SJR=0.353, SNIP=0.905)
2. A. Adamovics, S. Ivanovs, V. Bulgakov. Investigations about the impact of the sowing time and rate of the biomass yield and quality of industrial hemp / Agronomy Research. Vol. 15(4) (2017), 1455.–1462.lpp. (Journal Article, Scopus, impact factor: Cite Score=0.93. SJR=0.353, SNIP=0.905)
3. V. Bulgakov, V. Adamchuk, V.Kuvachov, S. Ivanovs. Theoretical justification of the turn of a wide span tractor (vehicle) for controlled traffic farming / INMATEH - Agricultural Engineering. Vol. 53(3) (2017), p. 159-167 (Journal Article, Scopus, impact factor: Cite Score=0.20. SJR=0.192, SNIP=0.425)
4. V. Bulgakov, I. Holovach, V. Bandura, S. Ivanovs . A theoretical research of the grain milling technological process for roller mills with two degrees of freedom / INMATEH - Agricultural Engineering. Vol. 52(2) (2017), p. 99-106 (Journal Article, Scopus, impact factor: Cite Score=0.20. SJR=0.192, SNIP=0.425)
Starptautiskos, recenzētos zinātniskos izdevumos, kas iekļauti citās zinātniskās literatūras datu bāzēs - 2017.gadā:
1. Imants Ziemelis, Henriks Putans, Ilze Pelece, Andrejs Snegovs. Comparative investigation of fixed and tracking the sun solar photovoltaic panels. Proceedings of the 16th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development. Jelgava, Latvia, 2017, pp.540-545.
2. Algirdas Jasinskas, Vytautas Kučinskas, Eglė Jotautienė, Imants Ziemelis. Assesment of sweet cherry (prunus avium) chopping and utilization for biofuel, and investigation of chaff properties. Proceedings of the 16th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development. Jelgava, Latvia, 2017, pp. 641-646
3. Ilze Pelece, Henriks Putans, Imants Ziemelis, Liene Kancevica. Water heating with tracking the sun solar batteries. Proceedings of the 16th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development. Jelgava, Latvia, 2017, pp. 761-766
4. Volodymyr Bulgakov, Valerii Adamchuk, Volodymyr Kuvachov, Semjons Ivanovs / Research of possibilities for efficient use of wide span tractor (vehicle) for controlled traffic farming / 16th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 24 - 26, 2017 [elektroniskais resurss] / Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Engineering. Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. Jelgava, 2017. Vol.16, p. 281-287 (Scopus & WoS).
5. Aleksandrs Adamovics, Rasma Platace, Inguna Gulbe, Semjons Ivanovs // Influence of fertilizers on chemical content of energy grass biomass / 16th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 24 - 26, 2017 / Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Engineering. Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. Jelgava, 2017. Vol.16, p. 98-102 (Scopus & WoS).
6. Rasma Platace, Aleksandrs Adamovics, Semjons Ivanovs, Inguna Gulbe // Assessment of ash melting temperature of birch and grass biomass pellet mixtures / 16th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 24 - 26, 2017 [elektroniskais resurss] / Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Engineering. Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. Jelgava, 2017. Vol.16, p. 103-107 (Scopus & WoS).
7. Volodymyr Bulgakov, Ivan Golovach, Semjons Ivanovs, Yevhen Ihnatiev /Theoretical simulation of parameters of cleaning sugar beet heads from remnants of leaves by flexible blade / 16th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 24 - 26, 2017 / Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Engineering. Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. Jelgava, 2017. Vol.16, p. 288-295 (Scopus & WoS).
8. Volodymyr Bulgakov, Valerii Adamchuk, Semjons Ivanovs, Yevhen Ihnatiev / Theoretical investigation of aggregation of top removal machine frontally mounted on wheeled tractor / 16th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development": proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 24 - 26, 2017 / Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Engineering. Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. Jelgava, 2017. Vol.16, p. 273-280 , (Scopus & WoS).
9. Volodymyr Bulgakov, Valerii Adamchuk, Semjons Ivanovs, Yevhen Ihnatiev / Theoretical investigation of aggregation of top removal machine frontally mounted on wheeled tractor / 16th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 24 - 26, 2017 / Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Engineering. Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. Jelgava, 2017. Vol.16, p. 273-280 (Scopus & WoS).
10. Volodymyr Bulgakov, Valerii Adamchuk, Volodymyr Kuvachov, Semjons Ivanovs / Investigation of technological properties of wide span tractors for controlled traffic farming / 16th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 24 - 26, 2017 / Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Engineering. Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. Jelgava, 2017. Vol.16, p. 303-308 (Scopus & WoS).
11. Peter Savinyh, Alexey Aleshkin, Vladimir Nechaev, Semjons Ivanovs / Simulation of particle movement in crushing chamber of rotary grain crusher / 16th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 24 - 26, 2017 / Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Engineering. Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. Jelgava, 2017. Vol.16, p. 309-316 , (Scopus & WoS).
12. Zofija Jankauskiene, Elvyra Gruzdeviene, Semjons Ivanovs, Ernestas Maumevicius / Screening hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) biomass and chemical composition as influenced by seed rate and genotype / 16th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 24 - 26, 2017 / Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Engineering. Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. Jelgava, 2017. Vol.16, p. 317-322 , (Scopus & WoS).
13. Vasiliy Sysuev, Peter Savinyh, Alexey Aleshkin, Semjons Ivanovs / Investigation of oscillations of hammer rotor of grain crusher / 16th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 24 - 26, 2017/ Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Engineering. Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. Jelgava, 2017. Vol.16, p. 1225-1232 , (Scopus & WoS).
14. Volodymyr Bulgakov, Stanislav Nikolaenko, Ivan Holovach, Semjons Ivanovs, Kaspars Vartukapteinis / Theoretical investigations of oscillations of root crop head cleaner hanged on integral row-crop tractor / 16th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 24 - 26, 2017 / Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Engineering. Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. Jelgava, 2017 Vol.16, p. 1395-1408(Scopus & WoS).
15. Dainis Viesturs, Nikolajs Kopiks. Trends in development of tractor fleet in Latvia. /16th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 24 - 26, 2017 / Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Engineering. Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. Jelgava, 2017. Vol.16, p. 534-539
16. Dainis Viesturs, Nikolajs Kopiks, Adolfs Rucins. Research on the development of the tractor and combine fleet in Latvia. /The 8th International scientific conference "Rural development 2017: Bioeconomy Challenges": Kaunas, Lithuania, 23-24th November, 2017 [elektroniskais resurss] / Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, Kaunas, 2017., p.128-129
17. Imants Ziemelis, Henriks Putans, Ilze Pelece, Andrejs Snegovs. Comparison of water heating by solar collectors and photovoltaic panels. Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific Conference Rural development 2017, Bioeconomy Challenges. Kaunas, Lithuania, 2017, p.143
Anonīmi recenzētas starptautiskās zinātniskās publikācijas:
1. S.Ivanovs, A.Adamovičs, A.Ruciņš. Расширение возможностей использования продукции индустриальной конопли = Improving the possibilities for using industrial hemp products / Технологии и технические средства механизированного производства продукции растениеводства и животноводства. Nr. 91 (2017), 118.-126.lpp.
2. V.Nadykto, S.Ivanovs, Ol.Kistechok. Investigation of the draft-and-power, and agreotechnical indicators of the work of a ploughing aggregate, created according to the scheme "push-pull" = Badania «draft-and-power», i agreotechnicznych wskaźników pracy agregatu uprawowego utworzonego według schematu "push-pull" / Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering Nr. 62(1) (2017), 136.-139.lpp.
3. V.Bulgakov, V.Adamchuk, S.Ivanovs, Ye. Ihnatiev. Theoretical investigation and development of a design of a new haulm topping machine / Mechanization in Agriculture & Conserving of the Resources : International Scientific journal. Year LXIII, Issue 5 2017, 180.-182.lpp.
4. V. Bulgakov, I. Petrychenko, Ye. Ihnatiev, L. Nozdrovicky, V. Krocko, P. Findura, M. Korenko, S. Ivanovs. / Field experimetal reseach of the combined fertilizing-seeding machine-tractor aggregate / Mechanization in Agriculture & Conserving of the Resources : International Scientific journal. Year LXIII, Issue 5 (2017), 174.-179.lpp.